Insanirty: The Asylum

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A brief list of things worth living for..

The things that make me happy to be alive...
1. Hearing that little voice say "mama."
2. Listening to the laugh of my child (it totally melts away any risidual stress from the day).
3. Breathing. Especially when going up that hill on Green Valley pushing a jogging stroller.
4. in bloom, homemade cookies, apples, and shitty diapers. Yeah, you read that right.
5. bed in the morning, or after an intense 20 min. workout.
6. Hot showers with Zum soap and Burt Bees bath oil.
7. Running. You appreciate your body so much more when you push it beyond that comfy zone. Running does that for me.
8. Desperate Housewives...sometimes you need some trash to totally unwind.
9. Homemade cheesecake. With Strawberries. Enough said.
10. Seeing my little one grow before my eyes. Heaven forbid if I should blink now.
11. Old bookstores. I always have to buy at least one book when I visit. Makes me feel like I'm holding history in my hands...where has the book been...whose hands have held the cover and whose eyes have skimmed these pages? Where will it go from here?
12. Teaching...even on the darkest days a student can say something, or do something, that just makes you feel like you actually do matter...even if it's just for a moment.
13. Writing--sometimes the written word is the most powerful.
14. Dancing (when no one is watching) is liberating (and who cares really if they do watch...maybe they're just wishing they were as comfortable in their skin as you are in yours).
15. Donuts. Fresh at nine o'clock at night, after a 2 mile walk to get one...but just a time.
16. Rollercoasters, Amusement Parks, and Carnivals...we all love being a kid...
17. Family. The starting point in life. We all know no one has the perfect one, but we have a story to tell...and that makes life interesting.
18. Memories...knowing that some will fade with time makes them even more precious.

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