Insanirty: The Asylum

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Starting my Juice Detox :)

Today is Day 1 of my juice fast. After watching Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, I decided that I didn't have anything to lose (except nasty toxins). When I get stressed out towards the end of my school year, just before vacation, I eat...a lot. The things I eat are usually sugar and fat laden caloric whoppers (not the burger...but, well, you get the idea). It's like I programmed my body to require these unhealthy choices, almost like an automated response. That's why I figured I needed a Reboot. I bought a bargain model juicer, loaded up on greens and some fruit, and started drinking to my health. Funny, I've been in the mindset that I wouldn't drink my calories, but I haven't been too discriminating on which calories I eat. So, my initial goal was three days. However, after some research, I am noticing that I should really opt for a 10 day detox to see noticeable results, and to get past the "fog.". It's mid afternoon right now, and I don't feel bad. I drank all my water throughout the day, but that was only 32oz. I had a 16oz morning juice of lemon and ginger, and a 16oz mean green juice for lunch...which I will also have for dinner in about an hour. I don't feel starved; but I can definitely tell that I haven't eaten anything in a little while. This is the first time today though, that I have felt at least bit hungry. Looking forward to positive results over the next 10 days.